Lindy Kuo

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Lindy Kuo

Team member of: Pullman Orchard Rocky
I dedicate this run to... Myself Lindy K... RUN RUN !!!!!

raised from 45 supporters
raised from 127 supporters

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My Supporters Recent Supporters

Hotel Manager Gaurav supported

all the best

Velicia W supported

Tough runs don’t last Tough runners do! 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ All the best Lindy jie!

Nick - Mattress International Pte Ltd supported

Wishing you and the Pullman Team all the best for the run!

Ethan Ang supported

All the best!

Franky supported



All the best!

Amglow Water Systems Pte Ltd supported

on behalf of Amglow Water Systems

Marcus Danovel supported

All the best Lindy! U can do it

Jinhui supported

Pullman's Shanti Pereira...... mai siao siao

Low Pun Wah Gabriel supported


Chua Su Ling 3R Supplies supported

All the way! Don’t give up!

Ivy supported

$50.00 Lindy!!💪🏻💪🏻

Andi supported

Keep up the good deed and stay safe

Candice supported


THE KRIEIT supported

Great Cause can only be achieved by Great People like you Lindy!

Jim Wu supported


Sathia supported

Go Lindy!

Shirleen Yeo supported

Go Lindy! Run like a superwoman

PSO hsk team supported

Run run

Jerome supported

Thank you for going the extra mile.

Edmund Yue supported

Thank you for taking the time to raise awareness and support this noble cause. Jiayou for the run!

RX supported


Anonymous supported


D elements Christine supported

Run run

GUAVA supported

Go Lindy!

Sue supported

I know u can do it, Lindy 💪

Joyce Tan supported

Run Run Run

PSO Hsk team supported

Run run

Derek Tan supported

Enjoy the run for good cause😊

Rizal supported

When your legs are tired, run with your heart!

Daniel supported


Grace Hospitality Services Pte Ltd supported


Pullman HSK Team supported

Jia you from hsk team

Benjamin supported

Run faster :)

Joey Tan supported

Cheers Lindy :)

EUGENE TAY supported

Have a great run...

Ur Friend Ah Dra supported

I donate liao.. u Run faster hor..

Anonymous supported


Jayan supported

Pls run faster

MY supported


Niu niu supported

Please run faster 🤣

Cxyn supported

Run faster

Audrey supported


Jessie supported

Go Lindy! Thank you for rallying the team for this!

Anonymous supported
